Ecological deployment

Musee AI - Deployed in BSC, deeply integrated with AIGC

As the smart chain of Binance, BSC has the same security as Ethereum, so the security of BSC is guaranteed.

Considering the experience and interoperability of developers and users, Musee AI is deployed in BSC, which greatly improves the operating efficiency and security of users.

It is worth mentioning that the ecology of Musee AI is different from those currently on the market.

The project of MuseeAI combines AI, NFT, GameFi, DeFi, and other technologies and concepts, relying on its original business closed loop.

With the two major technologies of artificial intelligence and blockchain as the core, DeFi as the concept, NFT as the medium, and AICG as the output, it is a brand-new smart chain game entertainment ecosystem that links games to display.

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