Asb Token




BSC20 Token


210 M/P


70 M/P




  1. Musse AI's native governance token.

  2. Governance: Mortgage to participate in governance, the longer the lock-up period, the higher the voting rights.

  3. Mortgage rewards: ASB mortgages can vote to determine the distribution of mortgage rewards.

  4. Accumulation of protocol income: ASB needs to be burned to access project in-app functions.

Allocation ratio: as follows:

  1. Project team: 17.25%;The project party is responsible for the development, maintenance, and platform construction of the main network (including 5% of the issuance of digital assets), and the lock-up period is 60 months.

  2. Pre-sale: 10%;10% of the total issuance is allocated to the pre-sale, the lock-up period is 3 months, and the release is linear in 12 months.

  3. Staking equity reward: 30%;Users participate in the token custody pledge lock-up and the annualized proportional distribution after expiration.

  4. X2E:20%;Incentive plan for users to participate in Writer, Reader, and Publisher.

  5. Ecosystem/Foundation: 15%;For ecological governance within the project.

  6. Airdrop: 0.75%

  7. Developer contribution reward: 5%;Rewards for content distributors and creators to participate in ecological construction, including fission drainage, with a lock-up period of 12 months.

  8. Consultant: 2%;The lock-up period is 12 months, and it will be released linearly in 12 months.

Deflation destruction mechanism:

  • The total circulation of ASB will be halved in 3 years.

  • ASB is used to access application consumption within the platform.

  • ASB will be destroyed by the project party every 3 months

    (10% of total revenue)

Last updated